Culture is Deeper than Skin Color
Skin color is a product of evolutionary variation, while culture is the lens through which we view the world. It reflects our shared experiences, historical backgrounds, religions, and the traditions of our respective communities.


The Day Japan Fears The Most
We set out to create a documentary about the impending mega-earthquake threatening Tokyo, initially planning to focus on the city's preparedness. However, our focus shifted dramatically after visiting Wajima city, which was still in turmoil nine months after the Noto Peninsula earthquake. We filmed the heartbreaking reality of collapsed buildings and a struggling community facing a lack of government support and resources for rebuilding.

La Noche de Comedia Latina - Images
Fotos de la Noche de Comedia Latina. El primer stand-up en español en la Tokyo Comedy Bar. Fotos por Miwaza.

Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story
I was fortunate enough to film the Honda interviews with Keanu Reeves for the docuseries, Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story.

La Noche de Comedia Latina
UN SHOW de COMEDIA LATINA EN JAPÓN Echo por latinos esta es la primera edición de algo histórico 💃 baile 😂 mucha risa 🍺 tragos y MÁS !!!

Sex with Emotion
Her place was a well organized but typical small apartment for a single woman living in Tokyo. It rained hard, but then the weather slowed down and only light raindrops could be heard. The downpour added an extra desire for companionship.