Free Rodriguez

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The Church is Still There

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The Church is Still There Free Rodriguez

When you graduate from school

The church is still there

When you change careers

The church is still there

When you get laid off

The church is still there

When you quit smoking

The church is still there

When you retire

The church is still there

When the politician comes into office

The church is still there

When your team loses


When you lose faith

When you lose face

When you have no religion

But worship new technology

And put your prayers in art exhibits

Communist leaflets and vegan diets

The church 




When you lose touch con tus padres

Cant go and ver tus hijos

Split ways with old amigos

Betrayed by nuevo chicos

La iglesia is still there

When life becomes too serious

The church is still there

When you don’t know how to take responsibility

The church is still here

When your heart is broken

Most your shit gets taken

By debt, divorce, and pyramid schemes

The cathedral is still there

When loved ones die

Ashes into the beaches

Coffins below the surface

You see the churches

And are reminded of who was here

The church is still there

A god bless and take care

We find ourselves baptized in tears

Full of love reading psalms 23 with no fears

And when your time comes

Like life

It always cums

Save for a few nuns

Hoping your seed don’t forget this one

The church is still there

The eye is a window to the soul

And the mind is the temple

Keep it clean and it all becomes clear

Look within yourself

The church is in here