Tokyo Spartan Race
Tokyo Spartan Race was 7 kilometers and 20 obstacles of running, climbing, lifting, jumping, crawling, and spear throwing. The race tested our endurance, strength, and agility while making us feel like the Hollywood 300. This was Ninja Warrior for the Greeks.
I show up with a team and we immediately split up and try to make our best time. My hopes of making the top 100 went bust at failing to lift the boulder at the Atlas Carry obstacle. And failure equals 30 burpies for a set back.
There are refs monitoring most obstacles for safety, instruction, and confirmation of execution but there were so many participants that one could easily cheat themselves. Yet what would be the point since this is all a voluntary event. You are really only competing with yourself.
If there are required moments to catch your breath, you will get it at the barbed wire crawl, frame cargo, and spear throw. The line of participants was so backed up that by the time I completed the obstacle, I had another gust of wind.
All in all, the experience has gotten me to work on my squat. Come October, I will lift that god damn boulder. Aroo!
Tokyo Spartan Sprint Open
Overall: 363 of 4252
Division: 82 of 646
Gender: 356 of 3203
Total time: 56:57
Pace min/mi 18:59
P.S. The race was not in Tokyo. But using the name of a US Military base in Kanagawa doesn't sell.