Broken Morandi

She said she needed to see this and naturally I had to see it with her. Puente Morandi collapsed on August 14, 2018. We visited this place 6 months after the fall. The neighborhood was a ghost town. People were evacuated from their homes and the area was blocked off. It looked like the next fall of Rome.

The disconnected structure might have brought her closer to home. It brought me closer to her. Her tierra de Italia which seems to still be paying for the sins of an ancient empire. I know I am in love when I see despair, tragedy and I don’t want to leave her in misery. Happiness enjoys company too.



Gjallarbrú behind the gates of man

Where there once stood the shadow of a colossus

Flowers and blue collar attire for the dead

There is no longer a middle ground

The beaten path

La vida continua

It was the 11th bridge to collapse within a 5 year span. 6 months after the visit, Bridge Morandi was demolished.

Free Rodriguez

Writer + Director + Cinematographer


O Rio Carrega o Mar


Todo Es Justo