A Day in Bethlehem

The officer at the gate closely examines the passport. He raises his eyes up at the young man and wonders if this visitor has vengeance is in the family tree. His eyes return to the passport in his hands.

“Will you be going to Palestine?” He asks.

“Don’t think so.”

The visitor sounds unsure of his reply. It’s a yes or no question. And one that must be clearly answered here and now.

“Where are you going?”


“Will you be visiting Bethlehem?”


The officer looks the man dead in his eyes. He has seen enough bad liars to know whether or not this man will answer the following questions with conviction.

“Are you Christian?”

The visitor’s eyes dialate for a moments hesitation.


“Where was Jesus born?”

The visitor thinks to himself.

“Umm Jerusalem?”


The officer replies with disdain. The visitor smiles and declares his plans.

“Then I guess I am going to Bethlehem.”

The officer flags him for further questioning.

“Come with me.”

Free Rodriguez

Writer + Director + Cinematographer


Fausto Torrens Perez


Mar Saba