“If a person says I have worked hard but have not found [success], don’t believe him. [If a person says] I have not exerted myself, and I have found [success], don’t believe him. [If he says] I gave it my all and I have found [success], believe him!”
— Megillah 6b
“A person’s true character is ascertained by three parameters: his cup (i.e., his behavior when he drinks), his pocket (i.e., his financial dealings), and his anger.”
— Rabbi Ilai, Eruvin 65b
“Silence is beautiful for wise people; it is all the more beautiful for fools.”
— Pesachim 99a
“Do not celebrate among the mourners, and do not weep among revelers.”
— Kallah 10
“The liar’s punishment is that even when he speaks the truth, no one believes him.”
— Sanhedrin 89b
“Be wary of authorities who befriend a person for their own purposes. They appear loving when it is beneficial to them, but do not stand by the other person in his time of distress.”
— Rabban Gamliel, Avot 2:3
“Even a poor person who subsists on the charity of others should perform [acts of] charity.”
— Gittin 7a
“The inclination only desires that which is forbidden.”
— Jerusalem Talmud, Nedarim 9:1
“There is no community where everyone is rich; neither is there a community where everyone is poor.”
— Jerusalem Talmud, Gitten 3:7
“No one is [truly] poor, save for someone who is ill”
— Nedarim 4a
“Just as you are obligated to speak when your words will be heeded, you must remain silent when you know your words will be ignored”
— Yevamot 65b
“The world is a dark place for one who looks to the table of others [for his sustenance].”
— Rav, Beitza 32b
“When we were young [we saw ourselves] as men, now [we are considered] children ”