Japan Theatrical Promotion
Iké Boys Trailer
"Iké Boys" is a holiday adventure that follows best friends Shawn and Vik, whose obsession with Japanese culture leads them on an unexpected journey. After being transformed into superhuman characters from a mysterious anime film, they must confront ancient monsters threatening to unleash chaos on New Year's Eve of 1999. Joined by Miki, a determined Japanese exchange student on a quest of her own, the trio must embrace their newfound abilities and friendship to save the world. With elements of kaiju battles, Power Ranger-style action, and heartwarming holiday themes, "Iké Boys" promises audience an otaku Christmas holiday.
"Iké Boys" can be watched on services such an Amazon US, Roku, Tubi, and other streaming services.
Iké Boys Clip
The Boys Test Their Powers
The Do-Kan
The Curse
2nd Assistant Camera (2nd AC)
Zoom Puller