Fram Kitagawa
Fram Kitagawa, hailing from Takada City in Niigata Prefecture, emerges as a prominent figure deeply entrenched in the realms of art and culture. With a familial background steeped in scholarship, his father's expertise in Ryokan studies laid the foundation for Kitagawa's multifaceted journey, seamlessly interweaving academic pursuits with an ardent love for the arts. A product of Tokyo University of the Arts, Kitagawa's early days were marked by a tenacious spirit, actively participating in the student movement, a period that profoundly influenced his enduring dedication to cultural collaboration. Embracing the name "Fram," meaning "advance" in Norwegian, epitomizes his forward-looking stance toward art and creativity.
Rooted in a background of Buddhist sculpture history, Kitagawa's aesthetic sensibilities have matured into a distinctive fusion of practicality and athleticism, mirroring the subjects he engages with in music and theater. His boyish charm, coupled with a resolute gaze, depicts an individual who has tirelessly contributed to the art scene, not only as a hands-on creator but also as a discerning director of diverse cultural events. Linked to architect Hiroshi Hara through family ties, Kitagawa's influence transcends personal achievements, crafting a legacy that intersects family, art, and the pursuit of profound cultural expression.
Japan Credits
Directer & Editor - Andrew Goldie
Director of Photography - Free Rodriguez
Field Producer - Keito Yu