Descendent of a Black Brit
Rewrites are fucking annoying. After a few weeks of character replacements that did not work, I drop into Barbershop Brooklyn Shop and have a run in with a Black Brit. It ignited an epiphany to a whole other gaijin experience in Japan. One that is unique and close to the African American experience. And one that relates to the Dominican story as many Black Brits came from the Caribbean and South America.
Crazy Love
He was my childhood best friend, my brother. He had two words tattooed on his arm. And after all these years. After Bergamo. After her. I finally understand.
Amor es Cinta
“I love you,” she read. Era una tableta clavada a la columna enfrentándome. Cuando lo vi, era como no lo leí. Esas palabras, los entendí como si ella me lo leyera.
Lost Potential
Maybe we don’t completely have free will. Our emotions, place of birth, thoughts, and biological make up are not of our choice. But within those rules of life, there are options. The will to push through those boundaries can bring life to unimaginable potential. But potential can only be ignited through sacrifice, suffering, and meaning. Without any of those, what we have is eventually lost, and life will still have its suffering and sacrifice for others to observe. If it’s meaningless or meaningful, is up to us to decide.
Self-Directed Warfare
Spiritualize your warfare. Every day you face battles—that is the reality for all creatures in their struggle to survive. But the greatest battle of all is with yourself—your weaknesses, your emotions, your lack of resolution in seeing things through to the end. You must declare unceasing war on yourself. As a warrior in life, you welcome combat and conflict as ways to prove yourself, to better your skills, to gain courage, confidence, and experience. Instead of repressing your doubts and fears, you must face them down, do battle with them. You want more challenges, and you invite more war. You are forging the warrior’s spirit, and only constant practice will lead you there.
Viola Enluarada
O mesmo pé que dança samba corre no campo de batalha. Eu sei disso sem ter sabido isso.
Universo de la Familia de Irene Mattalia
El universo de un pedigrí familiar. A partir de Italia a España, Argentina, República Dominicana y el Estados Unidos.
The Knowledge
WHATTHEFUCK and I have been through betrayal, debt, divorce, and the real possibility of impregnating two women at the same time. Not only is the work further delayed but it takes the self inflicting victim maximum effort to get back on track. That is the knowledge gained from personal experience and it is the knowledge that is shared in this book.