Guanajuato: La Ciudad
When I visited this place, I was reading the book Mastery of Love by Miguel Ruiz. Guanajuato reminded me of the human need for a companion, una compañera. Solo travel is as epic and dynamic as a black and white photo. However, the adventure of a relationship brings out the colors.
Guanajuato: Por la Mañana
Imágenes del terreno e infraestructura montañosa de Guanajuato a primera horas de la mañana.
El Nombre, El Sol, Y Pucallpa Peru
Terrible footage I shot many moons ago but decided to still edit por mi placer. La ciudad de Pucallpa y Louis Sicali.
Self-Directed Warfare
Spiritualize your warfare. Every day you face battles—that is the reality for all creatures in their struggle to survive. But the greatest battle of all is with yourself—your weaknesses, your emotions, your lack of resolution in seeing things through to the end. You must declare unceasing war on yourself. As a warrior in life, you welcome combat and conflict as ways to prove yourself, to better your skills, to gain courage, confidence, and experience. Instead of repressing your doubts and fears, you must face them down, do battle with them. You want more challenges, and you invite more war. You are forging the warrior’s spirit, and only constant practice will lead you there.