Tokyo Lice - The Only White Guy in Japan (Part 2)
The only white guy in Japan meets the other only white guy in Japan.

Tokyo Lice - The Only White Guy in Japan (Part 1)
1990s Japan and it's only white journalist in town.

Tokyo Lice - I Have a Black Friend
Sketch comedy inspired by Tokyo Vice. The city of Tokyo is both diverse and futuristic.
Tokyo Lice - Yakuza Sting
Sketch comedy based on the series Tokyo Vice. Probably the most ridiculous idea I wrote, but I had good friends that were willing to help me put it to film.

I Respect Cristiano Ronaldo
While growing up, my childhood superheroes were Spiderman and Batman. As I matured, my admiration shifted from comic book characters to sports icons. When I moved to Japan, that list expanded from American league athletes to European and global competitors. Over the last two decades, my adult heroes have been Leonel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. These two men are often the subject of discussions beyond fútbol and face frequent criticism from pundits and rivals. Nevertheless, their performances both on and off the pitch continue to inspire millions, if not billions, showcasing their ability to transcend their sport and have a profound impact.

NewJeans - Coke Studio LivE
NewJeans live performance of “Zero” & “How Sweat” at the Coke Studio in Tokyo. Filmed by the Virgin Earth Inc. multicam Japan squad.

Del Poder Femenina
Me encuentro en la despedida de un viaje, con nuevas experiencias y desafiando expectativas sociales. Observo una revelación sobre la naturaleza del poder femenino, no mejor, sino distinta a la agresividad masculina. Y la ilusión del ego y su apego.

Comedy mockumentary sketches about the film industry life and ISIS corporate videos.

東宝映画は4本の映画を1回の劇場公開でリリースします。その中には『ゴジラVSメガロ』、『knot』、『ファーストライン』、そして私が関わった映画『フレイル』が含まれます。私は『フレイル』の撮影監督とポストプロダクションスーパーバイザーを務め、この作業を通じて業界の最高の仲間たちと協力するチャンスを得ました。東宝映画は、私が所属する制作会社であるVirgin Earthと共に映画『フレイル』で協力し、日本の映画制作の多様化に取り組んでいます。
Unionized Heist
When bank robbers join a union they get a lot of benefits but many more regulations.

I Can Only Put it in a Poem
I write and delete it/ I delete it and then rewrite it/ I rewrite it and don't send it/ My thoughts change, my fear of the outcome freezes me/ I defrost and live my life/ I live my life and have moments when I want to live it with you
Limitless with Thor
Three years ago, I joined the Japan crew filming 'Limitless with Chris Hemsworth,' although Covid-19 prevented Thor from being there. Despite this, I got to experience a unique side of Japan during our week of filming. The series follows Chris as he tackles challenges for a healthier life, with our episode focusing on the cold therapy rituals of Shugendo Monks.

No Tienes Que Decir Nada
…No tienes que decir nada, Si estoy en tu mente, Solo tengo que verte, Y yo no digo nada…

I Like You too Much
I like you too much/ What if I told you I dreamed of you before I met you/ Curly hair in my dreams by the sea of Tel Aviv/ I like you too much

Knowing is a Blind Spot
Three stories about how the conclusion of our knowledge blocks us from learning new information or expanding our curiosity.